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We want to hear about your activism. Write to us.

By - 15.01.2024

Everyday activism needs to be acknowledged. 

Write your story and publish it at K2.0.

Sometimes, living in difficult social and economic environments makes it hard to talk and read about positive things. You wake up in the morning, but the water isn’t working so you can’t wash your face. You plan your day, but you didn’t plan for the powercut. As soon as you leave the house, you see garbage in your neighborhood. You live in a city or village without sidewalks. There aren’t many places where you can spend your free time. The roads are in need of repair. Prices are high and shopping baskets are empty. You watch a news segment that celebrates violence against others. You witness a violent act against someone who challenged societal norms. You go on social media and encounter hate speech.

The list is long. But, let’s talk about something else

However long the list of problems that we face daily is, we believe that the line of people who are committed to change is even longer. These can be individual struggles faced on a daily basis or issues faced by entire communities and society at large.

We want to hear about these initiatives for change. First, so that we can draw attention to them in the chaos of everyday life and so that we can be inspired by you, your community and initiatives. We want to hear from young individuals who demand change from the central and local governments, for issues related to social policies, gender justice, human rights and the environment.

We want to hear from anyone whose activism does not have the attention it requires. Write a blog between 800 and 1,000 words about the change you or someone around you has brought about. To see what our blog articles look like, here you can read articles from others who have shared their stories with K2.0.

Try to answer the questions: When was the first time you decided to do something for your community, for society? What stood out to you as a problem you wanted to address? What made you stand up against injustice? When did you decide to break the cycle of violence? How did you start? What were your first actions? What did you face when you started to disrupt the status quo? Did you encounter resistance? How did your relatives, circle and public institutions react? Did you have any support? What change has your activism brought to you and those around you?

Send us your blog by email: [email protected] by February 15, 2024. Authors whose stories are selected for publication will be paid and get the opportunity to work closely with K2.0’s editorial team.


Feature Image: Dion Krasniqi / K2.0.

This activity is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kosovo. The views presented during the activity do not necessarily represent the views of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.