At Kosovo 2.0, we strive to be a pillar of independent, high-quality journalism in an era where it's increasingly challenging to maintain such standards and fearlessly pursue truth and accountability. To ensure our continued independence, we are introducing HIVE, our new membership model that offers an opportunity for anyone who values our journalism to contribute and become part of our mission.
From curated newsletters to "behind-the-scenes" content, unique designs and the opportunity to interact directly with our newsroom, HIVE offers something for everyone. You can choose to become a member of HIVE, or, if you’d prefer, make a one-time donation. More details about the donation options and the perks included in the three membership packages can be found below.
Become a member, support our journalism.
Your contribution helps to fuel our mission, as K2.0 is committed to independent journalism and impactful storytelling. We welcome donations of all sizes. No amount is too small to support our work, and we greatly appreciate every contribution.