Equality vs Equity - Kosovo 2.0

Equality vs Equity

What's the difference?

Laws are created with the intention of treating people as equals and giving them the same rights, but structural injustices make it impossible to enjoy those rights, such as the right to education, employment, health and freedom. Well-being or lack of well-being in most cases is determined by the circumstances into which you have been born.

Recently, discussions about inequity have taken on a new dimension. As a result of increasing inequalities between different groups worldwide, recent social movements around the world are committed to clarifying the distinction between equality and equity.

Thinking in these terms helps to demonstrate that people are unequal from their starting point in life and aims to establish a system that does not treat people’s needs as interchangeable. Instead, a needs-based approach is necessary to give them a chance to level the playing field.

K2.0 explains the difference between equality and equity.






This video was produced with the financial support of the European Union as part of the project “Citizens Engage”, implemented by K2.0 in partnership with GAP Institute. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Kosovo 2.0 and GAP Institute and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.


This video was made possible with support from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The opinions and views of the authors do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Fund. 

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