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No Questions Without Answers
Chronicle and photographs from the event
“No Questions Without Answers”
By Arian Lumezi – 03.05.2019
K2.0 has launched a campaign for improving communication between institutions and media.
On May 3, on World Press Freedom Day, K2.0 published the report “No Questions Without Answers” and launched the campaign by the same name. In a five month period, together with journalists from 10 different media organizations, K2.0 monitored and analyzed 52 press conferences held by the Office of the President, the Office of the Prime Minister, the Assembly Headship, the Office of the Head Prosecutor and the Kosovo Police.
The launch of the campaign was followed by a discussion held in K2.0’s space in Prishtina.
Moderated by the author of the report, Aurela Kadriu, the discussion between Kreshnik Gashi and Taulant Osmani from BIRN, Saranda Ramaj from Koha Ditore and Besa Luci, the Editor-in-Chief of K2.0, provided a general analysis of the report, of media freedom in Kosovo, of challenges in relations between media and institutions and touched upon elements upon which both parties — media and institutions — can improve on in order to facilitate public access to information.
Besa Luci evaluated that democracy is becoming more fragile throughout the world, not only in Kosovo. According to her, journalists in this situation face increasing difficulties in their communication with politicians around the world, who cultivate sentiments of hatred and harm freedom of expression.
For editor-in-chief of K2.0, Besa Luci, journalists face difficulties in their communication with politicians around the world.
“Democracy is not something that dies immediately. Oppression occurs on a daily basis, and we can easily find ourselves in a situation that makes us ask: ‘How did we get here?’” she said.
Koha Ditore journalist Saranda Ramaj, who was part of the group of journalists who collaborated to produce the report, mentioned that institutional representatives are now spreading information through social media posts, which is then being turned into news. She added that traditional media has been unable to evade this form of communication due to the need for the quick relay of information and because the way other media have developed has redefined the rules of information circulation.
Regarding the work of journalists who cover the judicial sector, Ramaj said that the justice system still faces huge issues with providing correct information to journalists and the public. She mentioned the fact that the Office of the Head State Prosecutor has held no press conferences during the period in which the report was produced, and also added that daily communication with these institutions is difficult.
According to Koha Ditore journalist Saranda Ramaj, the justice system still has issues with providing correct information to journalists and the public.
“Institutions attempt to evade responsibility by providing partial answers. One time, I heard 13 questions about the same issue,” said Ramaj, who went on to say that journalists should not report partial answers that they receive by institutions.
However, Ramaj noted that some institutions that were included in the report have improved their approach towards journalists, including the Kosovo Police ever since its change of management, and the basic courts in Prishtina and Prizren.
Editor Kreshnik Gashi mentioned a series of crucial issues regarding which the public and journalists in Kosovo are yet to receive clear and complete answers, such as the number of countries that have recognized Kosovo’s independence, the correct number of deputy ministers in the Government, the cost of the state-funded highways and the 53 million euros that the Government paid the Bechtel Enka company.
According to Gashi, there are other crucial issues that were never properly addressed, such as the way in which political parties are financed.
“The aim of corrupt people is to never provide answers to journalists, while politicians dominate the debate with crises,” said Gashi, adding that journalists have been demotivated to ask questions and participate in press conferences, mainly due to the lack of human resources and logistics in media organizations.
Meanwhile, Taulant Osmani, a journalist at BIRN, said that the institution of the Presidency is very closed off in its communication with journalists.
“In the last four years that I’ve been working as a journalist, I don’t remember a single case in which the Media Office of the Presidency responded to questions by journalists, while I have personally sent over 100 emails to the Presidency,” said Osmani.
According to the “No Questions Without Answers” report, answers that are given in conferences are often partial and do not provide the information sought by journalists.
As for press conferences held by the Presidency, Osmani said that they have corresponded with the period during which the subject of border correction was on the table and that during this time, the President held 18 conferences, while this was not the case during other periods of his mandate.
One of the conclusions produced by this research study is that no conferences organized by public institutions in Kosovo are concluded with all questions of journalists being answered. Even the answers that are given are often partial and do not provide the information that is sought by journalists.K
About this campaign
K2.0 ju fton në lansimin e fushatës tonë të re.
I bëjmë thirrje të gjithë gazetarëve, redaksive dhe qytetarëve të na bashkohen në fushatën tonë, Jo Pyetje Pa Përgjigje.
K2.0 bashkë me gazetarë nga 10 organizata mediale, kanë monitoruar konferencat për shtyp të Kryeministrit Ramush Haradinaj, Presidentit Hashim Thaçi, Kryesisë së Kuvendit të Kosovës, Policisë dhe Zyrës së Prokurorit.
Për pesë muaj i monitoruam 52 nga 62 konferenca formale për shtyp që u mbajtën nga këto institucione. Tetë prej tyre nuk ishin të hapura për pyetje. Këto konferenca, në në të cilat nuk u lejuan pyetjet, i trajtuan disa çështje të ndjeshme si greva e mësuesve e deri tek taksa 100 përqindëshe mbi produktet serbe.
Gjatë kësaj periudhe, këto institucione iu drejtuan publikut në më shumë se 1,000 postime në Facebook nëpërmjet faqeve zyrtare. Kjo do të thotë se për çdo konferencë për shtyp të mbajtur ishin 16 postime në Facebook.
Për dekada, konferencat për shtyp kanë shërbyer si një forum ku politikanët i janë ekspozuar pyetjeve të papritura para mediave. Janë hapësirë ku mund të kërkohen përgjigje kyçe, të ekspozohen politikanët, të kërkohet llogari prej tyre në publik dhe të shtrohen pyetjet jetike që shpeshherë mbesin pa përgjigje në komunikime me email dhe telefon.
Nëpërmjet punës sonë monitoruese dhe bisedave me gazetarët, ne e kemi parë se si kjo vegël shumë e rëndësishme po shpërfillet jo vetëm nga politikanët, por edhe nga zyrtarët për shtyp në institucione publike. E kjo, duhet të ndryshojë.
Në Ditën Botërore të Lirisë së Shtypit, më 3 maj në orën 13:00, ejani në lansimin e “Jo Pyetje Pa Përgjigje” në oborrin e K2.0. Gazetarë, punëtorë të mediave dhe ata/ato për të cilët ne punojmë, qytetarët, të gjithë janë të ftuar të marrin pjesë në këtë ngjarje!
Aty do të na bashkohen:
- Besa Luci — kryeredaktore në Kosovo 2.0
- Taulant Osmani — gazetar në BIRN / anëtar i ekipit hulumtues
- Saranda Ramaj — gazetare në Koha / anëtare e ekipit hulumtues
- Kreshnik Gashi — gazetar hulumtues / moderator në Drejtësia në Kosovë
Diskutimi do të moderohet nga Aurela Kadriu, autore e hulumtimit
Do të ketë përkthim shqip/anglisht.K
Kjo ngjarje realizohet me mbështetjen e Ambasadës së Mbretërisë së Holandës në Kosovë.
Në Ditën Botërore të Lirisë së Shtypit, K2.0 lanson kampanjën dhe raportin “Jo Pyetje Pa Përgjigje”.#JoPyetjePaPërgjigje
Posted by KOSOVO 2.0 on Friday, May 3, 2019
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