In-depth | Missing persons

Reflections on the lenses of Ferdi Limani

By - 24.06.2020

During the first months of the pandemic, the lockdown has changed many things, including the ways people deliver the last farewell to their loved ones who have passed away at this time.  

The pandemic also changed the commemoration and mourning rituals of families who have lost their relatives during the last war in Kosovo. The lockdown months coincided with the traditional commemoration ceremonies of the war massacres that occurred in the spring, limiting  visits to cemeteries and memorial complexes. 

Kosovo marked the 21st anniversary of Liberation Day on June 12, when the first NATO troops entered, and Serbian forces began their withdrawal. Today, the documentation by photojournalists continues to trouble as well as inform us about the war and its consequences. 

On this episode of the podcast, K2.0 journalist Dafina Halili talks with Ferdi Limani, who is one of the most well-known photojournalists in Kosovo and the region, going through his work from his first shot — a journey that then led him toward documenting the narratives of families who are still waiting to find out the fate of their loved ones that have gone missing since the war.K

               You can read a transcript of the conversation here.

Feature image: Ferdi Limani.

This podcast was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Kosovo 2.0 and Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. Â