Lately | K2.0

Work with K2.0

By - 03.10.2015

We’re sorry — there are currently no open positions on the K2.0 regular staff.

However if you are a freelance writer, journalist, blogger, photographer, or designer and would like to pitch us an idea, write to us at with the subject “Content pitch.”


We are looking for students or recent graduates, from Kosovo and abroad, who are passionate about innovative ideas and have an interest in journalism, magazine writing, blogging and more.

As an intern, you will be an active participant of the weekly editorial work, and be part of events that are organized by K2.0.

You need to speak at least one of the following languages: Albanian, Serbian, English — speaking two is an asset if you are from Kosovo.

While we are flexible when it comes to working hours, you need to commit at least one full month to the internship in order to make it valuable to both parties.

We accept applications on a rolling basis at with the subject “Internship application.” You should attach your CV, a letter of motivation, and samples of your work if available.