Blogbox | #FeelGoodFridays

Feel good Fridays: Living your best lockdown

By - 15.05.2020

Bringing back the good times.

Before the lockdown, Fridays were a time to put the working week behind you, go out to a café or bar and hang out with friends or family. Maybe Fridays were the days that inaugurated a weekend of dancing, clubbing, going to the cinema or out to a gig. Or was it a time of just pure relaxation with hiking or sport, or simply reading a good book alone? 

Whatever made you feel good about Friday, we want to help bring some of those vibes back to you — even in these times — by rounding up some fun, feel good stories from around the world and what to look forward to coming straight into your own home. 

We don’t know if Shakespeare really wrote King Lear while isolating from the bubonic plague, but we do know it’s been a long time under lockdown and it’s the little things that make you happy. Like these musicians, who have found a way not only to be entertaining but to work out their frustrations.

Are you living your best lockdown?

Hopefully soon we will be out and about, meeting with friends and asking each other about our lockdowns. 

When that day comes, 11-year-old skater Gui Khoury from Brazil will be able to tell everyone how he became the first person to do a 1080 turn on a vertical ramp. Let’s just say that’s not how our lockdown has looked so far.

For the rest of us, we can probably aspire to something a bit more like this. A little fancy dress while taking the trash out makes everyone’s day.

And others have been doing a bit of entertaining at home, like these opera buffs, doing all of the feels of being in lockdown, laughs and all.

Do you need more inspiring activities; here’s singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor with her kids opening the Kitchen Disco. Still good advice: Stay at home. You’ve got nowhere to go anyway — yet. (By the way, where do you find a disco ball online?)

Lots of people have gotten the whole family involved. Even cranky old Dads. A family that dances together, does lockdown sanely… erm… OK, you get what we mean.

Meanwhile, the NewBorn Ensemble performed together from isolation. Showing us you can still make beautiful music no matter what the restrictions are.

And around the world we’ve found people helping each other out in a variety of ways. In Scotland, people have been leaving food in phone boxes for those who can’t afford it. 

Check out some of the initiatives that regular Kosovar citizens have started up in K2.0’s #Podumetkallxu (#IWantToTell) series.

Let’s do it right

With masks still a requirement for going outside, Termokiss has created a local mask-making scheme to donate homemade masks to people who need them.

There are some real dos and don’ts when it comes to masks though. This woman decided to put a hole in hers to make it easier to breathe. Definitely a don’t.

And this entrepreneur put a straw hole in her masks to make it easier to sip cocktails when you’re out. We’ll just drink at home, thanks. 

Remember, even when you wear a mask, you still need to wash your hands and stay two meters apart. For some of us it’s hard to remember what two meters looks like. But basically imagine one LeBron James lying between you and someone else, or a Smart Car, or a little less than a Zastava — if you’re reading in Florida, it’s one alligator.

And if you want more information about how to abide by the new measures watch this video from the ministry of health and Videoinsteza.

What to look forward to

Hello Gamers! There’ll be a huge CS:GO online tournament beginning on Saturday, sponsored by the Municipality of Prishtina and one of those burger chain imports. Top prize is 800 euros. That will buy you and your teammates a lot of burgers (of your choice, of course).

Maybe you want to get a bit serious with your online lockdown. Terre des Hommes will be holding an online lecture: “Let’s Talk: If Women Led the World.” Indeed. 

And finally, when lockdown is over…

Our escape from our apartments will probably look something like this (though we do not advise eating the roses). Until then, we all still need to do this.

Feature image: Atdhe Mulla / K2.0.