Lately | Volume Up

Influential Lebanese magazine editor in Prishtina

By - 07.10.2017

Join K2.0 for public talk and workshop.

K2.0 continues its Volume UP public talks program in October by bringing the founder of independent Lebanese magazine The Outpost to Prishtina.

Ibrahim Nehme will deliver a public talk and a workshop, in keeping with the Volume UP focus of exploring journalism models and communication approaches that change our perceptions of collectivity in our daily life, beyond the everyday 24/7 news cycle. 

A public talk, ‘The Impact of Imagination,’ will take place at Klubi M on Wednesday, Oct. 11, followed by an intensive workshop, ‘The Lifecyle of an Idea,’ on Friday, Oct. 13 at Termokiss as part of the Termokiss community event Krejt Ka Pak.

The impact of imagination

Ibrahim Nehme initially wanted to study filmmaking but ended up in business school. He caught the journalism bug when he tried his hand at writing during his university studies. After working as a writer and strategist for a couple of media companies in Beirut, he quit his job, and seeing a need for an independent print publication that addressed sociocultural change in the Arab region, in 2012 he founded The Outpost, “a magazine of possibilities in the Arab world.”

Ibrahim stopped publishing The Outpost in September 2016 and has spent the ensuing year reflecting on his work with the magazine, as well as researching the role of culture in advancing movements of resistance and change. In his presentation, he will share what he’s learned in the past year, and talk about the power of our collective imagination and how radical media organizations could bring about radical transformations and cultural shifts.

Translation (English/Albanian) will be provided.

The lifecycle of an idea

Ideas are like living organisms. They evolve and morph into different forms, take lives of their own, travel across distances, and spread like viruses. What begins as a small idea could slowly transform and become a really powerful idea that captures our collective imagination.

In today’s world we are in need of bold ideas that resist the systematic and institutionalized attempts to repress our freedoms; ideas that inspire us to imagine and work towards a better future.

In this workshop, participants will dissect the lifecycle of an idea and learn how to generate, develop and disseminate ideas that have impact. Anyone interested in the creative process, storytelling and general cultural practices is welcome to join in this half-day workshop.

The workshop will run from 16:00 until 21:00 and will be conducted in English. Due to a limited number of places (up to 20), we kindly ask you to send an email to [email protected] with the subject “Volume UP” to register (for free) as a participant. The deadline for registration is 12:00 on Thursday, Oct. 12.

As workshop places are limited and will be given to the first 20 persons who register via email, please, make sure you join us if you register for this unique opportunity!K

Volume UP events are supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo.