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Call for Applications: Locomotive 2.0 Program

By - 11.01.2019

Locomotive: Driving forward towards change

We are happy to announce the establishment of a joint space for enthusiastic young people of all genders and backgrounds, who are willing to explore new ideas, and to constructively challenge established narratives around societal identities through media.  K2.0 is proud to kick-off 2019 by inviting young, passionate changemakers to become part of a wonderful learning experience and environment by responding to this call.

This hands-on learning opportunity seeks to encourage critical thinking and inspire activism related to the issues of gender, ethnicity, religion and race.  Most importantly, it aims to equip its participants with the tools and means necessary to influence positive change. As such, this program entails a six-month, multifaceted learning experience, during which, participants are provided with immense opportunities to explore new ideas, and a space to socialize, work, have fun with peers and act!

First phase of the program – Introduction:

This exciting journey begins with a residential Bootcamp that will take place on February where all 20 selected participants and experienced facilitators will meet for four days to create an understanding of both the program and one-another, and to provide a general overview of the intersectionality of gender, ethnicity, religion and race.  

Following the Bootcamp, the participants will form their teams. Each team will have one of the four main themes of the program: gender, ethnicity, religion and race – depending on the areas of interest.

Second phase of the program – Capacity Building:

Throughout the second phase of these six months – four open discussions will take place on the themes mentioned above . Participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss movies, photographs, music, and other media formats with prominent inspiring individuals that have had a meaningful impact on the way we perceive the world around us.

Then, all selected participants will undergo seven workshops on how to use media formats for social change, which lies in the very core mission of the program. Workshops on photography, video, text-writing and publication, art performances, music, online tools for creative expression and research methods, will prepare participants for the final phase of the program, marking the peak of the program, itself – community initiatives and interventions!

Final Phase of the program – Community Initiatives and Interventions:

In the final phase, all participants and their respective teams will be empowered to prepare and design their own initiatives and will be provided with seed funding to implement an intervention in their chosen areas, within their own communities. We expect the participants  to be creative in the solutions they offer, and to be committed to the initiatives they propose! Upon successful completion of the program all participants will be certified. Furthermore, all expenses related to the program will be covered by K2.0

We are excitingly looking forward to having you join the Locomotive if you are:

  • Age 18 to 24;
  • Living in Kosovo;
  • Committed to actively engaging in all the phases of the six-month program;
  • Willing to critically challenge pejorative narratives around gender, ethnicity, religion and race;
  • Looking forward to meeting and working closely with peers from various backgrounds;
  • Open to new ideas and opinions, and willing to work with lively teams;
  • Able to identify and assess the concerns of grassroots communities;
  • Able to design initiatives that have direct impact on the areas including gender, ethnicity, religion and race in your community.

How to apply:

  1. Send your CV and a motivational letter (minimum 500 words – stating your motivation to partake in a six-month program,  your expectations of the program, as well as how you plan to apply the gained knowledge in your community) to [email protected]  by 31.01.2019K

The Locomotive 2.0 program is supported by the Prince Claus Fund