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Open call: The integrity and authorship in journalism in Western Balkans

By - 16.01.2020

The twenty-first century was supposed to be a golden age for journalism, a time of more accurate, easily accessible, transparent, and communally connected journalism in pursuit of the public interest. What went wrong? We believe that the answer lies in bringing back the integrity and authorship in journalism.

The authorship represents one of the great social and political issues of our time, and a massive challenge for journalists, news professionals, policymakers, and traditional and new media reform activists interested in shaping the future of the media. It will profoundly change not only journalism and the news industry, but also current democracy. (more about the project)

The aim of the project is telling and retelling, professional journalists and traditional and new media consumers, about the principles and practices of professional, ethical and responsible journalism that serves the public and supports political participation and democratization of the society.

We are inviting young and mid-career journalists from Western Balkan region countries to apply and participate in the workshop as part of the project  “The Integrity and Authorship in Journalism in Western Balkans”.

The 7 day workshop, that includes the mentorship and production, with lecturers from different fields and Western Balkan region countries (Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Albania and Serbia) will be held in the Center for Cultural Decontamination Belgrade from April 21st to 27th, 2020.

Some of the topics we will discuss at the workshop include: Ethics in journalism and fact checking; understanding the author’s text; constructive journalism and media literacy. We will also address the issues of reporting on marginalized groups and human rights issues, and how (non) professional reporting creates prejudices.  As well as how to remain ethical and objective while reporting on sensitive topics, and the human experience in journalism.

In your application please answer the following questions:

  • Why do you think the integrity of journalists is important?
  • Why are you applying for this call?
  • What do you expect from this workshop?
  • Which topics would you like to address (and did not have the opportunity or support)?

Please provide your CV as supporting document.

Please send the applications to: [email protected] by February 7th, 2020.

All applications must be submitted in English. The training will be conducted in English.

The accommodation and travel costs of 15 participants will be covered from the project funds.

The project is realized by the Center for Cultural Decontamination Belgrade / Serbia in partnership with professionals from BIRN Skopje / Macedonia, Center for Democratic Transition Podgorica / Montenegro, Kosovo 2.0 Pristina / Kosovo, Media center  Sarajevo / Bosnia and Herzegovina and Qendra Media dhe Çështjet Shoqërore// Tirana / Albania.

The project is supported by the Human Rights Fund (2019-2021) / The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Belgrade.