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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 8 paid internships at GAP Institute and K2.0

By - 21.10.2021

Paid Internship period: November 2021 – April 2022.

Do you enjoy researching, digging and fact-finding to get to the bottom of different issues? Do you want to experience the thrill of writing analyses and articles while learning about the production process from professional researchers and journalists? Or perhaps you have a knack for organizing events and taking charge of promotional activities and want a chance to put those skills to use? 

If so, apply to join us at Kosovo 2.0 and GAP Institute! 

What is it all about?

Kosovo 2.0 and GAP Institute are initiating the latest cycle of their Internship Program, part of the project “Innovation for Resilient Media and Citizen Engagement” funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo. This six-month long program, which will benefit bachelor students from Kosovo, serves to sharpen the skills of young professionals looking to build a career in the media sector. A total of eight interns will be selected, from which four will first join the research team at GAP Institute and then Kosovo 2.0’s editorial team, while the other four will do the opposite, first working at Kosovo 2.0 before moving to GAP Institute. All eight will work closely with both teams to carry out research and analyze data, write articles based on this research and analyses, communicate and promote activities through social media and organize events related to the project. 

What will the interns be tasked with:

  • They will be part of GAP Institute’s team of analysts and will follow the research process;
  • They will carry out meetings and interviews with relevant institutions and organizations to prepare reports;
  • They will work with data analysts to better understand data (especially related to public policy) and learn new ways to find data more efficiently;
  • They will participate in meetings to determine research topics at GAP Institute and see how research ideas are conceived;
  • They will take part in all of Kosovo 2.0’s editorial meetings and see how story ideas are pitched;
  • They will grasp how data is collected and used, and will learn how to do research for specific articles;
  • They will constantly be beside journalists during interviews, research and field work;
  • They will work with the programs team to learn every step required for organizing different events, such as discussions and masterclasses;
  • They will work with social media teams to hone their skills for promoting activities of the project;

How will the Internship develop?

The interns selected will spend the first three months of their Internship at one of the two organizations, then move to the other organization for the next three months.

At GAP Institute, the interns will be introduced to the research process and how it is carried out. Participants will be introduced to the research steps, information gathering techniques and methods of accessing public information. Then, participants will have the opportunity to see how a public policy analysis is drawn up. 

At Kosovo 2.0, every intern will work with a journalist/coordinator/producer assigned by the editorial team. The interns will be an inseparable part of the editorial team, from participating in editorial meetings to being involved in the process of writing articles, which includes gathering data, conducting interviews and turning this information into proper articles. The interns will also work with the K2.0 programs team to organize media events, as well as the communication team to maximize the promotion of the project.

Who are we looking for?

Enthusiastic and committed people who come from various backgrounds, but are tied by their interest for professional achievement! The Internship Program seeks to develop young professionals in the fields of journalism and policy research. The four profiles we are seeking are:

  • Researcher / Data Analyst: someone who understands quantitative data and knows how to make use of it;
  • Social Media / Copywriter: someone who is able to communicate our publications and activities on social media;
  • Writer: someone who is good at writing articles and converting data into a story;
  • Event coordinator: someone who is able to organize events and activities.

How to apply?

The call is open for all bachelor students from Kosovo from relevant fields including but not limited to journalism, political science, sociology, economy, who are interested in research and journalism. Kosovo 2.0 and GAP Institute encourage all young women and men who are interested in these fields to challenge themselves by becoming part of the Professional Internship Program.

To apply, send your CV and a letter of motivation (click here to access a template) to [email protected]. Please specify precisely what Internship Position you are applying for. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to [email protected] until 3.11.2021.

The application deadline is 07.11.2021

All applicants will be notified of the status of their application.

Feature image: Arrita Katona / K2.0.





This internship is financially supported by the European Union as part of the project “Citizens Engage”, implemented by K2.0 in partnership with GAP Institute.