Lately | Journalism Fellowship


By - 28.03.2023

The fourth cycle of K2.0’s Fellowship Program has been launched.

We are thrilled to announce that we are continuing our Fellowship Program within our Journalism Hub — K2.0’s platform for the empowerment of young voices in journalism.

After three successful cycles in 2018, 2019 and 2020, which brought to life articles of different formats that won our fellows close to 10 journalism awards, we are opening the application process for the fourth cycle of the Program.

Young journalists and those that have just started their career, if you have a topic that is related to human rights and you have always wanted to cover, but didn’t have the time, the financial support or mentorship, then our Fellowship Program is the right opportunity for you.

Together with our next fellows, we want to address issues related to human rights and highlight the narratives, stories and experiences that are often ignored, the voices that are often silenced and the challenges that are often not addressed. We want to challenge discriminatory norms and divisive narratives, through new and inclusive perspectives and approaches.

This year, five journalists will receive financial support of 2,500 euros and ongoing mentoring from experienced editors in the field of human rights. Also, the fellows will participate in specialized training for covering issues related to human rights and about different creative formats, to bring their stories to the public.

Who may apply?

In order to participate in our Journalism Hub Fellowship program, you must be:

  • a young journalist, independent or freelancer, employed or unemployed,
  • a citizen of Kosovo and based in Kosovo,
  • between the ages of 18 and 35, and
  • with at least two years of demonstrated experience in journalism.

What do we expect from you?

Fellows will be expected to produce a piece of in-depth journalism (up to 4,000 words), a short movie/documentary/video (10 to 20 minutes) or a photo-essay with a human rights perspective — if you have ideas for other journalistic formats, we welcome them.

The fellows will work closely with K2.0 editors to conduct their research. The proposals we expect to accept must directly address human rights in Kosovo, including but not limited to gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, minority rights, civil rights, workers’ rights, environmental issues. Their investigations will be published in our online magazine. 

How to apply?

In order to apply for the Fellowship, you will need to fill in the Application Form (in English, Albanian or Serbian) and submit your application package by midnight on the 23.04.2023, to <[email protected]> with the subject line “Journalism Hub Fellowship Application.”

For more details on the program and the application package, please see the Application Guidelines below.

Any questions regarding the program should be directed to: <[email protected]>, no later than 17.04.2023 with the subject: “Journalism Hub Fellowship Question.”

Each applicant will be notified of the application evaluation.


This activity is part of the Human Rightivism project, which is funded by the Embassy of Sweden in Prishtina, implemented by the Community Development Fund through its Human Rightivism Program. The views expressed in it do not necessarily reflect those of the Embassy of Sweden in Prishtina.

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