People Missing | Missing persons

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By - 13.11.2020

A beacon to people missing

Every day, thousands of people in Kosovo and the region wake up with a relentless sense of yearning. They carry out their day-to-day chores in an oppressive hush once filled by the bustle of others, they eat with unfilled spaces at the table, and they question, constantly, what happened to their nearest and dearest. 

This is the plight of the loved ones of the missing.

In this monograph, “People Missing,” we set out to shed greater light on the missing, as well as the day-to-day realities for those who are left behind. 

This monograph was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Kosovo 2.0 and Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. K

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