
We want to hear from you!

By - 11.11.2021

Are you a K2.0 reader? We want to hear from you!

What was your favorite article from 2021?

Was there any that helped you discover something about Kosovo or the region that you didn’t know about before? Or maybe one that introduced you to a new idea or public persona? Was there an article that put into words what you had only been feeling, or one that left an impression on you?

We want to hear about it. Get in touch with us at [email protected] or through our social media and tell us which of K2.0’s stories from last year was your favorite and why. Your messages and comments will help us create a special year-end video project.

  • 23 Nov 2021 - 10:43 | Adrian Bytyqi:

    On elections eve, on societies margins. Lest we fix these fundamentals, we can forget about anything else.
