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What keeps you in Kosovo? Or what pulls you back?

By - 02.03.2023

We want to hear from you — write a blog for K2.0.

What would you miss if you had to leave Kosovo? With all the news about young men and women who want to leave, our aim is to shift the focus and hear about something different. 

What keeps you here? A story about home, work, society, hope or love perhaps?

If you live abroad, send us your story about something that pulls you back, something that would make you return without thinking twice. If only the education system was better… if salaries were higher… if the future held more promise… What is it that would convince you to return?

Maybe you remember summer days when the squares are full of people. Close friendships that started in first grade and never ended. The familiar food. Nature and the high mountains. School. Your workplace. Roads. Solidarity between people. The coffee shops. What do you find here that you can’t find elsewhere?

We want to dig deeper together into the reflections, memories and moments that we hold close. 

Send your story — between 800 to 1,200 words in either Albanian, English or Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian — by Friday, April 7 to [email protected] and we will let you know about the next steps.

We love working with new voices, whether you’re a writer or not. Share your story with us and the rest of our readers across Kosovo, the Balkans and beyond.

Feature image: Dina Hajrullahu / K2.0.

This activity is organized with the financial support of the European Union as part of the project “Diversifying voices in journalism.” Its contents are the sole responsibility of Kosovo 2.0 and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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