Lately | Youth

YOUTH 2020

By - 26.07.2020

A penny for your thoughts.

We are all living through an extraordinary moment in time.

At the start of 2020, many of you imagined that this would be the year that you would take decisions and do things that would lay the foundations of your future. 

Maybe you’d been thinking about what studies to follow, or if you’d go down that route at all. Or maybe you decided to find a job and become independent. Perhaps you were relishing your first real taste of freedom, outside of the family home. Or you were looking forward to being out with your friends all summer, relaxing by the pool or in the village before grabbing life by the horns. Or maybe you had a newfound passion, or a cause that you wanted to stand up for.

And then the pandemic turned almost everything upside down, leaving us with little more than time (and distance) to think about the current circumstances and what they mean for the direction of our personal and collective future.

Life as we know it may have stopped as the pandemic has sent many of us into our personal shells and made it more difficult to access the public sphere. But our hopes, fears, frustrations and ideas have carried on — and they have often been thrown into even sharper focus. 

We want to hear your thoughts on anything that’s been on your mind: From your corona journal to global politics; your local neighborhood to worldwide movements; from issues of personal identity and growth to your future dreams and aspirations; from sports, arts, music, dance to education, health, work or the environment.

We may still be physically distanced in many ways, but it’s time to reconnect. And that means sharing thoughts and ideas to help forge a common path forward. 

Have your say by sharing your blog on Kosovo 2.0 on whatever is important to you!

Your blog can be anywhere from 800 to 1,500 words. We have professional editors on hand to help you out and guide you along the way. Send your blog or idea at [email protected] or by contacting us through social media.K

Feature image: K2.0.

  • 11 Sep 2020 - 13:06 | Kaltrina Fejzullahu:

    Hello Andrra, This campaign is still active and there is no deadline yet. You can send your blog anytime. All the best!

  • 11 Sep 2020 - 11:40 | Andrra:

    Hello! I wonder if this campaign is still up or has the deadline expired?

  • 12 Aug 2020 - 00:58 | Kaltrina Fejzullahu:

    Hi Leona, there is no deadline at the moment. Thank you for asking!

  • 11 Aug 2020 - 07:08 | Leona:

    Hello i would like to know if there is a deadline.
