Lately | Media

Call for proposals: Media for Human Rights Program

By - 09.09.2019

K2.0, CEL and KCGS launch new media fund.

K2.0, Center for Equality and Liberty (CEL), and Kosovar Center for Gender Studies (KCGS) are launching the EU-funded Media for Human Rights Program. The aim of the program it to contribute to stronger and more consistent work on the protection and promotion of human rights in Kosovar media and to improve the knowledge base and skills of media professionals.

This component ultimately seeks to enhance a more structured and comprehensive cooperation between media organizations and non-profit human rights NGOs in Kosovo through merging the knowledge, experience and capacities of civil society organizations with that of media organizations.

We are pleased to invite local media organizations and enterprises to pair up with non-profit organizations working on human rights and to apply. 

Through this scheme, around 10 partnerships between media outlets (print, online, television and/or radio stations, etc.) and NGOs working in the area of human rights will receive a grant to strengthen and improve their capacities to produce human rights sensitive journalism.

The deadline for applications: 01.10.2019, 16:00

All applications must be submitted to: [email protected] 

An information session will be organized on September 16 at 10:00, at K2.0.

Any questions relating to the application may be sent to [email protected] no later than September 16 at 16:00.

Applications may be submitted in Albanian, English or Serbian. Please refer to the guidelines below for further information.


Application Form

Budget Template

Feature image: Arrita Katona / K2.0.

  • 18 Sep 2019 - 09:32 | Iliriana Banjska:

    Tung Asena, Unë jam Iliriana Banjska,Redaktore Menaxheriale te K2.0. Falemnderit për komentin. Ne gjithmonë mundohemi me e ngritë nivelin e ndërgjegjësimit për realitetet e ndryshme me të cilat ballafaqohen të gjithë qytetarët e Kosovës (dhe rajonit), kështu që kemi dëshirë me dëgju prej juve për disa prej problemeve specifike me të cilat jeni duke u ballafaqu. Në e-mail ju kemi dërgu më shumë detaje për mënyrat qysh mundemi me bashkëpunu. Falemnderit, K2.0

  • 17 Sep 2019 - 13:17 | Asena Kantarci:

    Pershendetje! Une jam Asena nga Prizreni. Na jemi nga komunitetin Turke qe jetojm ne Kosove. E kemi disa probleme pershkak se %95 eshte shqiptar ne Kosove edhe na si pakica jemi gjithmon mbrapa. Ky bjen padrejtesi per drejtat e njeriut, padrejtesi per drejtat e komunitetet dhe padrejtesi per nje vajze si une. Qysh mundemi me ndryshu ose me zgjedh problemet bashke?
