Lately | Missing persons


By - 01.06.2021

Kosovo 2.0 is opening an invitation to tender for production companies to produce a documentary on Missing Persons.

Since 2010, Kosovo 2.0, one of the pioneering independent media organizations in the region, has worked to raise a voice for human rights in different spheres through journalism and advocacy initiatives. For more than two decades, the Humanitarian Law Center in Kosovo (HLC) has been at the forefront of peacebuilding efforts and work to restore the dignity of wartime victims. With more than 1,600 people still missing from the last war, Kosovo 2.0 and HLC, have teamed up for an EU funded project: “Mobilizing media and CSOs to support the right to information regarding missing persons in Kosovo.”  We aim to help increase awareness of an open wound in Kosovo’s past — and present.

Working together, we want to enhance access to information on the issue of missing persons by putting families of the missing at the heart of the discussion. Using HLC’s research on missing persons, we’re producing an array of new written articles (read: “People Missing” Monograph), videos and podcasts to help encourage informed discussion on the most sensitive of topics. We’re also jointly advocating for the implementation of the Law on Missing Persons and lobbying for the improvement of the search for those still missing.

Part of these efforts is also the production of a documentary on people missing from the Kosovo war.

The objective of this documentary is to shed light on the human aspect of these experiences: The events that led to people disappearing; the steps that their relatives took in searching for the missing in the last two decades; to raise awareness about this issue and to memorialize the victims; and to enable the family members of the victims to speak about their feelings and opinions, about the problems that they face.

The focus of the documentary should be on the experiences of the relatives of missing persons, not on the work of the institutions regarding missing persons. To produce the documentary, the stories of some characters must be followed. In this way, we will advocate for the right to information regarding missing persons.

The documentary should be 40 minutes long, and the maximum budget for the production is 8,500 euros.

Tenders shall be evaluated by an evaluation committee composed of members of both partner organizations: Kosovo 2.0 and the Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo.

After preparing your tender, please send all documents by email to [email protected] with the subject line: “Tender with Ref. no: 2021/01 – Documentary Production – [NAME OF THE TENDERER]” until midnight on 29th of June.

Any questions regarding the tender should be sent to [email protected] with the subject line: “Tender with Ref. no: 2021/01 – Question(s) – Documentary Production” by 22nd of June.

All tenderers will be notified by email regarding their tender status.

For more information, instructions to tenderers and the tender form, click the links below:

This tender is open within the project “Mobilizing media and CSOs to support the right to information regarding missing persons in Kosovo.” The project is supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo and implemented by Kosovo 2.0 and Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo.

Feature image: Arrita Katona / K2.0.